Sunday 19 July 2009

back home

heeeey =)

now,i´m at home again.
i just wanted to mention that i really enjoyed my stay in queenswood and have met a lot of nice people.
i was looking forward to come at home and see the sun shining..but actually it´s raining here,the hole time,like in england ;-)
propably,you have e-com lessins now ;-)
well..enjoy your stay in will be fun!

p.s. specially nice greetings to´re still at queenswood..have fun,i´ll write you again,but i haven´t found your blog yet ..:-o

Wednesday 15 July 2009

differences between the german and the british culture

well, i've been here now in the uk for about 10 days and i've noticed some differences

1.---very important--
the weather in summer!!it's cold here!!and it's raining a lot!i don't like it! I mean it's july and it's only about 15 degrees and it's quite rainy.

2.the food
as i came here i thought that the food was worst because some friends of mine told me the ugly experiences they've had with english food.actually i don't really like it because it's often very fatty. but you can eat it.

3. the architecture
sorry i can't describe it.but it's different.

4. teatime!!
the british like drinking tea all the time.

5. the schoolsystem
here are a lot of boarding schools...

Monday 13 July 2009


we went to a shoppingtour to london!!
it was great!i bought a lot of clothes from labes which aren't in germany!
but i have to go to london again because i haven't had enought time to go to all stores i wanted to go.

the tenniscamp was awesome!!
it was a huge campus where you could play nearly all kind of could even skiing!
but we just played tennis..and it was really fun!!
i have never played tennis before but i think i'm getting better ;)


Friday 10 July 2009

Trip to London
Yesterday we went to a trip to London!
we went throught Westminster and the Business district with a tourist guide.
We saw Big Ben,like you can see on the picture,Buckingham Palace,where the Queen lives an we also saw the changing of the guards.
After that,we walked throught Saint james' Park,where a lot of birds and exotic animals live.
I've taken a photo of the horse guards who weren't allowed to move a lot.
After we visited the city,we drove to the British
Museum with the was quite interesting..
I've never been to London before and it was a great experience for me to see the capital of England.
Next saturdaywe're going to visit London again..and I'm looking forward to go shopping ;-)
So..all in all I like London very much =)

Wednesday 8 July 2009

Hello everybody!


I'm Karen and I come from germany.

i'm 16 years old and i decided to stay here in queenswood for 2 weeks to improve my english.

I'm sure it'll be a great time here with all the people from all over the world!!

So have a great time here and enjoy your stay..or wished you'd have a great time;-)